In/Visible Endometriosis: Menstruation, Menopause, and Narrative Medicine
The project examines patient stories and public representations of endometriosis at the interface of gender studies, cultural studies, narrative medicine and gerontology.

Cooperation partner in Graz: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulla Kriebernegg, Center for Interdisciplinary Aging and Care Research
Junior Fellow: Alekszandra Rokvity, MA
Incoming Senior Fellow: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anita Wohlmann, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Incoming Junior Fellow: N.N.
Project duration: 15 months (June 15, 2023 - September 15, 2024)
Conference: 23.-24. Mai 2024
Exhibition: The Hysteria Project by Rachael Jablo, Opening: 23.05.2024, 6pm, at Forum Stadtpark
In/Visible Endometriosis: Menstruation, Menopause, and Narrative Medicine
Short summary:
Endometriosis is an under-researched and seemingly invisible illness that is closely connected to the female menstrual cycle and, by association, a tabooed subject. By rendering it invisible, patients suffering from endometriosis lack visibility as well. The interdisciplinary collaborative project will examine patient narratives and public representations of endometriosis at the intersection of Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Narrative Medicine and Aging Studies. It joins humanities scholars, artists, activists, healthcare professionals, and public health experts.
The project will (1) analyze the aesthetic and rhetorical strategies used in patient narratives to overcome cultural taboos and medical biases, (2) consider, unlike comparable research projects, the importance of endometriosis across the female life course from menarche to post-menopause, and (3) contribute to the improvement of gender-specific health care by generating more visibility to the often invisible cultural processes that impact diagnostics and social recognition. The project will strengthen the field of gender and aging research in Graz as well as (inter)nationally by promoting local and international early-career researchers and including international fellows and their research networks.
Kick-Off Event
Our kick-off event took place on November 8th.
3:00 pm: Introduction & Project Presentation (Ulla Kriebernegg and Alekszandra Rokvity)
3:15 pm: Endometriosis and narrative medicine: workshop with Anita Wohlmann (Incoming Senior Fellow)
Coffee break
5:00 pm: Discussion: Endometriosis - Medicine, Activism and art
Mag. Eva Anderhuber-Tutsch (Endometriosis support group)
Prof. Dr. Ulla Kriebernegg (Manager of CIRAC, Health Humanities)
Alekszandra Rokvity, MA (Literary scholar)
Prof. Dr. Anita Wohlmann (SDU Odense, German Network for Narrative Medicine)
PD Dr. med. Monika Wölfler (University Competence Unit Endometriosis, MedUni Graz)
Take a look at the pictures of the event (credits: Sarah Bindar and Michael Körbler)
Sick Lit: Endometriosis Edition
Sick Lit: Endometriosis Edition is an online literary series which will present the works of contemporary authors writing about their experiences with endometriosis. The monthly episodes will be live and include audience interaction (Q&A format). The Zoom Link will be provided for each event.
Further information: In/visible Endometriosis - Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Alterns- und Care-Forschung (